Home Helpers Home Care of Lexington
Home Helpers Home Care of Lexington
Home Helpers Home Care Services is more than a health care agency: we’re your extended family when family can’t be there. We’re a locally owned, trusted provider of quality, compassionate in-home care, and we customize our home care solutions to your unique situation for an affordable solution that keeps your loved one where they’re happiest.
1795 Alysheba Way , Suite 4107, Lexington, KY, 40509 40324 40347 40383 40504 40505 40510 40511 40516 40601
- Alzheimer's Care
- Companion Care
- Housekeeping
- Dress & Grooming
- Laundry
- Incontinence Care
- Mobility Assistance
- Medication Reminders
- Respite Care
- 24-Hour Care
- Eating Assistance
- Transfer to/from Bed
- Exercise Assistance
- Safety Supervision
- Transportation
- Hospital Discharge Assistance
- Prescription Pick-Up
- Doctor Visit Companionship
- Grocery/Errand Assistance
- Hospice Support
- Cash
- CreditCard
- Check
- State Non-Medicaid Program
- Veteran's Assistance
- Workers' Compensation Insurance
- Long-Term Care Insurance
- Other Options
2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020
Best of Home Care
Provider of Choice
Awarded for outstanding client satisfaction ratings.
Agency Rating
They have been helpful with my services. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I can't do anything outside the house because they're coming
4.5 / 5Teddy R
I am satisfied with their work. They do my housework and laundry. I'm not able to do that.
4.25 / 5Richard B
All the caregivers have been good to me. The girls do what I ask them to do, which is mainly to cook me a meal.
4.75 / 5James G
I'm satisfied with the hours we get from them. The caregivers help us with laundry.
5 / 5Clyde "Rick" H
I like the people, and the person who cleans my house is always on time. The lady that comes in twice a week will cook my lunch before she takes off.
5 / 5Herbert S
They could be more consistent with what the caregiver is doing when they come to the home, and making sure they are doing what they need to help the client. They could make sure that supper time is at the time that we requested it to be at by 5pm.
3.75 / 5Earl E
Earl has several health issues, and he needed care that wasn't happening. They were unable to lift him and care for him.
2.5 / 5Kenneth S
I have been satisfied with them for over a year. They help my husband shower.
4.75 / 5John W
They have worked very hard to provide the service we need. It is a huge impact. It has taken a lot of work of me.
5 / 5Anonymous
We liked that if a caregiver was sick they would send us a substitute. The staff member was willing to work with.
4.5 / 5Judy W
Their service is un parallel. My doctor said they are the best. They do not disappoint , people show up every time and they are on point.
5 / 5Melvin M
I like the way they attend to my father. They help him with personal care.
4 / 5Richard B
I recommend them because they have been nice to me. I have called them a few times, and they send someone to me.
4.5 / 5Ann I
I like that they provide good results and are easy to work with. They have helped by almost always being able to provide someone when I needed on them there.
4 / 5Carol G
I had some issues with the first caregiver but otherwise they did pretty well. It helped with laundry, dishes, and errands.
4.25 / 5Michael L
They are very personable and flexible to my needs. It is very positive. They have helped the most by being receptive to my concerns and what I need.
4.5 / 5Lowell z
They are punctual, and do everything that needs to get done. I would like them to cook a little bit more.
3.5 / 5Anonymous
We like our weekday caregivers, but we have difficulty with the weekend caregivers. They do the housework and prepare her meals for her.
4.25 / 5Michael P
I like the person that comes. She is easily engaged and knows how to manage 4 people in the room. She interacts well with everyone. It has relieved a lot of stress.
5 / 5Karl z
They could be more consistent with caregivers. They are in touch a lot and the caregiver right now is good with him.
3.5 / 5Samuel D
We have had our caregiver for three years. They have kept us alive.
5 / 5William G
They've been very good about coming out. They're here to take care of him and they do a good job of watching him and helping him.
3.75 / 5Roger E
What I like the most about them is their availability. They help with their presence, fixing meals, and with light cleanup.
4.5 / 5William G
The lady that is coming to the house is providing excellent care. It has impacted him very well.
4.5 / 5Darrell C
The people they send are usually very good, the only thing we have with them is letting us know when. We like the one person that comes here. I can do a lot of things myself, but it is good to have someone here to help me and my wife.
5 / 5James z
I would tell a friend that I love this agency. I like my therapist. The provider has helped me by getting me moving.
5 / 5Jim C
I like that they have reliability. The providers helped by just being here, and it's a little bit of extra hands.
4.75 / 5Anonymous
I like this agency because they're friendly. My experience has been positive because they've checked my problems and they've cleaned my home.
4.5 / 5Robert A
They are easy to work with and they provide good service. Whatever I need the agency to do, they do it. If I need to leave the house, they are there to help watch my husband.
5 / 5Henry z
They seem to send you people that are most capable of taking care of your needs. They have done an excellent job at taking care of the laundry. They take care of us. They run our home like I would run it if I was able.
5 / 5Henry z
They do what they tell you they will do and they follow through. They gave us a really good caregiver. They have helped the most by picking up around the house and doing the work that my husband and I cannot do.
5 / 5Thelma S
I have had good helpers, and I like both of them. I really appreciate the help.
5 / 5Clyde "Rick" H
I like their people. The first couple of people didn't want to work. They hooked me up with the right person.
5 / 5Anonymous
My caregiver is fantastic. The services have made a major difference in my life. The caregiver cooks and cleans for me.
5 / 5Thomas S
They could have more experienced caregivers. I'm not spilling food all over the carpet and falling in the shower.
3.5 / 5Gerard B
We have had a few different people who don't get trained enough. Some of the caregivers don't have a clue what is happening. There are some things I can't do, but the caregivers can do those things for him. I like that someone is here with him during the week for a few hours, so I can run to the grocery store.
4 / 5Jerry z
The agency does a good job and are very friendly. The agency could do a lot for Jerry. I have terminal cancer, so it's difficult.
3.5 / 5Henry z
They send replacements if someone calls out. We wouldn't be able to housekeep without them.
4.75 / 5Paul T
The agency is very open to our needs to reschedule. The agency helps us out however we need. They give me someone to bounce my concerns off of. I can raise any concerns with my husband's health.
5 / 5Wesley S
I like that they are very helpful in some of the areas we were having problems with. They help the most by having interaction with the caregivers and scheduling.
4 / 5Ricky W
They are pleasant and easy to talk to. Everything I need done, they do not question me, and they do it to the best of their ability.
4.5 / 5Hurston H
I appreciate their efficiency, friendliness, reliability, and punctuality. They are helpful in encouraging cleanliness and keeping order in the home. They occasionally help with dishwashing.
5 / 5Robert "Bob" S
The helper we have does an excellent job. This takes a lot off of my wife so she can do things needed.
5 / 5Hurston H
They have attention to detail. They have sent the visiting angel. She is on time, wonderful, and we have a personal relationship with her and her family.
5 / 5Danny P
They are helping me with things I need help with. It helps me a lot, there are certain things I can't do, that they do for me.
4.75 / 5Gene Wayne S
We've only used the service one time, but it was easy to work with the man who owns the agency. I like the fact that they came out to access the home situation, and it was easy.
5 / 5
About This Award

Best of Home Care
Leader in Training
The Best of Home Care® – Leader in Training award recognizes home care agencies that provide specialized care for clients and career growth for care professionals through a commitment to continuous learning. This annual award is based on your training completion rates.
- ✓ Have 10+ learners complete at least 1 training course for the year.
- ✓ Average 8+ Activated Insights Course completions per care professional for the year.
- ✓ Utilize Activated Insights Training for at least 3 months.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Top 100 Leader in Experience
The Top 100 Leader in Experience award is the highest honor we bestow, recognizing the 100 agencies with the highest Overall Satisfaction (OSAT) scores in North America. This annual award is based on the results of your client and care professional experience surveys.
- ✓ Attain one of the 100 highest Overall Satisfaction (OSAT) scores in the industry for the year.
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 2 client and 2 employee satisfaction surveys per month during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Earn both Provider and Employer of Choice Awards for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey clients and employees for at least one calendar year.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Leader in Experience
(Formerly Leader in Excellence)
The highest recognition based on satisfaction scores a home care agency can earn, “Leader in Experience” means best-in-class ratings from clients and caregivers. Leaders in Experience award winners must also qualify for Provider of Choice and Employer of Choice awards.
To receive this certification, a home care agency must meet the following:
- ✓ OSAT Score 8.9+
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 2 client and 2 employee satisfaction surveys per month during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Earn both Provider and Employer of Choice Awards for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey clients and employees for at least one calendar year.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Provider of Choice
The Best of Home Care – Provider of Choice award signifies high client satisfaction. This award is based on satisfaction ratings gathered from verified clients. To qualify, an agency must outperform other home care agencies in their geographic region in addition to other criteria.
To receive this certification, a home care agency must meet the following:
- ✓ OSAT Score 8.75+
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 12 client satisfaction surveys during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Have less than 15% of clients “Do Not Call” for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey clients for at least six consecutive months.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Employer of Choice
Home care agencies that qualify for “Employer of Choice” have earned high marks from their caregivers. Great care starts with happy care professionals and to qualify, “Employers of Choice” must outperform other local competitors in caregiver satisfaction based on scores and feedback gathered from verified care professionals.
To receive this certification, a home care agency must meet the following:
- ✓ OSAT Score 8.75+
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 12 employee satisfaction surveys during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Have less than 15% of clients “Do Not Call” for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey employees for at least six consecutive months.