BrightStar Care of Stroudsburg & Allentown
BrightStar Care of Stroudsburg & Allentown
At BrightStar Care in Stroudsburg & Allentown our home care team is available to you and your family 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. From home care to skilled nursing care, you can count on our team of fully screened caregivers and nurses to deliver the utmost in quality care and service.
6252 Route 209, Stroudsburg, PA, 18360 18012 18030 18031 18032 18034 18037 18046 18049 18051 18052 18053 18058 18059 18062 18065 18066 18068 18069 18071 18078 18079 18080 18087 18092 18098 18099 18101 18102 18103 18104 18105 18106 18109 18195 18210 18212 18216 18220 18229 18230 18232 18235 18240 18244 18250 18254 18255 18301 18302 18320 18321 18322 18323 18325 18326 18327 18330 18331 18332 18333 18334 18335 18341 18342 18344 18346 18347 18348 18349 18350 18352 18353 18354 18355 18356 18357 18360 18370 18372 18466 18610 18624
- Alzheimer's Care
- Companion Care
- Housekeeping
- Dress & Grooming
- Laundry
- Incontinence Care
- Bathing
- Mobility Assistance
- Medication Reminders
- Respite Care
- 24-Hour Care
- Eating Assistance
- Transfer to/from Bed
- Exercise Assistance
- Safety Supervision
- Transportation
- Hospital Discharge Assistance
- Prescription Pick-Up
- Doctor Visit Companionship
- Grocery/Errand Assistance
- Hospice Support
- CreditCard
- Check
- Veteran's Assistance
- Workers' Compensation Insurance
- Long-Term Care Insurance
- Other Options
2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2020
Best of Home Care
Leader in Experience
(Formerly Leader in Excellence)
Awarded for superior client & caregiver satisfaction ratings.
2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020
Best of Home Care
Provider of Choice
Awarded for outstanding client satisfaction ratings.
2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2020, 2018
Best of Home Care
Employer of Choice
Awarded for outstanding caregiver satisfaction ratings.
Agency Rating
Michael D
I like that they come to my home. I like that they get my medicine in a timely manner.
4 / 5Maureen C
They are well organized, they send a schedule, and they give me advance notice if someone isn't going to be there. I can go to work and know that someone is checking on my dad.
4.5 / 5Neal Z
I like that the caregivers are usually on time, and they treat my wife pretty well. The caregivers talk with my wife and get her involved.
4.5 / 5Lori K
I've recommended them already. They have made my experience positive by always being available.
5 / 5Arlette P
I would recommend them because the staff has been very good and timely. For the time that they are there, they are great. I just wish I had more hours.
4.5 / 5Richard P
There needs to be consistency in care. There is a problem in having different aides.
3 / 5Gene G
We have solved any problems we had. We had some problems and it got addressed
4.5 / 5Julie S
They are very easy to get ahold of and they respond very quickly. They gave her the antibiotics that she needed to have to get better.
5 / 5Carl L
I like that you seem pretty efficient and document things daily and call me if there are any issues. She makes sure to do the laundry and cleans the house.
4 / 5Mark P
I like the weekly invoice. It is clear and concise. The posted schedule is good as well. It takes some of the stress off of me. They are very helpful.
4.75 / 5Anonymous
They are caring and are able to satisfy their clients. The services help me with my workload and eases some of my chores.
4.75 / 5David
They're able to take care of my needs. I'm recovering from a surgery and I want to get back to my life. Without them I couldn't do that and my wife would be in a nursing home.
5 / 5Anonymous
The agency needs to enforce more rules in regard to the caregivers eating lunch during their shifts. The services help tremendously, it helps free up my time.
3.75 / 5Kathleen F
I really like the nursing staff here. It is great that I can get in-home infusions and it is so convenient for me.
4.75 / 5Denise C
I like that they are punctual. The aides help my mom-in-law to water the flowers and get her up.
5 / 5Chris S
They're very relatable, professional, and personable. The fact that I don't have to go to the hospital to get infusions is powerful to me.
5 / 5Mark P
I like that the communication is good. If they can't get someone of whatever the case may be. The care is very good from my father's caregiver. They make it positive by the fact that someone can be there to care for my father.
4.5 / 5Robert S
They are professional. They give me an infusion every 6 weeks.
5 / 5Maureen C
The communication is good. They do bathing and other things.
4.5 / 5Deborah M
They keep me well-informed.
5 / 5Doris S
The staff is excellent. My mother has gone through multiple caregivers. Some of them just weren't patient with an elderly client. The most recent caregivers have been good. It has been a positive impact because she gets companionship.
4.25 / 5Tammie C
They are great at communication and are proactive. They care if the care they give is great. I don't have to take too much time to get my infusion.
5 / 5Chris S
They are personable and I have great relationships with my nurses. They are on time and friendly. They are professional and let me know in advance when they can't come.
5 / 5Richard P
They send me people who are not very well-trained. I need help to get going in the morning, and they are able to help get me up.
2.75 / 5Michael Y
BrightStar Care has been good to me. I don't think there is anything more they can do to make my life easier.
3.25 / 5Roseanne C
I like that they seem to be easy to work with, they look for my interest and do what needs to be done for my mom. They try to accommodate me and my mom.
4.5 / 5Corinne D
They are dependable. There was a little difficulty from time to time in the office with the billing. I find more difficulty with the business end than the care end. This girl is remarkable. She is familiar with me and with everything in the house. She allows me to do as much as I want and am able to do.
4.5 / 5Frank H
They are excellent. People seem to know their jobs and it is a pleasant experience. They have helped. I'm feeling better.
4.75 / 5James L
I like the aide that I have from this agency. She meets my needs. The provider has helped me the most with doing everything that I need. She helps me with my cleaning.
5 / 5Theresa M
My nurse is phenomenal with BrightStar Care. I like my nurse because she makes me laugh and she is very diligent.
5 / 5Anonymous
I like my aide. I had him once a week, but it helped tremendously because he did things, so I wouldn't have to do them.
4.75 / 5Anonymous
I like the aid we have now. It helps with taking care of my husband.
5 / 5Richard G
I like that they have taken good care of my needs. They respond to my requests and phone calls, and those are positive impacts.
4.25 / 5Nicole K
I like that my nurse has been super flexible. Its been a huge help. I would be hospitalized until the babies are born if it wasn't
5 / 5Cory M
I've never had a problem with them at all. If you need anything you call and they help.
4.75 / 5
About This Award

Best of Home Care
Leader in Training
The Best of Home Care® – Leader in Training award recognizes home care agencies that provide specialized care for clients and career growth for care professionals through a commitment to continuous learning. This annual award is based on your training completion rates.
- ✓ Have 10+ learners complete at least 1 training course for the year.
- ✓ Average 8+ Activated Insights Course completions per care professional for the year.
- ✓ Utilize Activated Insights Training for at least 3 months.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Top 100 Leader in Experience
The Top 100 Leader in Experience award is the highest honor we bestow, recognizing the 100 agencies with the highest Overall Satisfaction (OSAT) scores in North America. This annual award is based on the results of your client and care professional experience surveys.
- ✓ Attain one of the 100 highest Overall Satisfaction (OSAT) scores in the industry for the year.
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 2 client and 2 employee satisfaction surveys per month during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Earn both Provider and Employer of Choice Awards for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey clients and employees for at least one calendar year.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Leader in Experience
(Formerly Leader in Excellence)
The highest recognition based on satisfaction scores a home care agency can earn, “Leader in Experience” means best-in-class ratings from clients and caregivers. Leaders in Experience award winners must also qualify for Provider of Choice and Employer of Choice awards.
To receive this certification, a home care agency must meet the following:
- ✓ OSAT Score 8.9+
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 2 client and 2 employee satisfaction surveys per month during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Earn both Provider and Employer of Choice Awards for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey clients and employees for at least one calendar year.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Provider of Choice
The Best of Home Care – Provider of Choice award signifies high client satisfaction. This award is based on satisfaction ratings gathered from verified clients. To qualify, an agency must outperform other home care agencies in their geographic region in addition to other criteria.
To receive this certification, a home care agency must meet the following:
- ✓ OSAT Score 8.75+
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 12 client satisfaction surveys during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Have less than 15% of clients “Do Not Call” for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey clients for at least six consecutive months.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Employer of Choice
Home care agencies that qualify for “Employer of Choice” have earned high marks from their caregivers. Great care starts with happy care professionals and to qualify, “Employers of Choice” must outperform other local competitors in caregiver satisfaction based on scores and feedback gathered from verified care professionals.
To receive this certification, a home care agency must meet the following:
- ✓ OSAT Score 8.75+
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 12 employee satisfaction surveys during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Have less than 15% of clients “Do Not Call” for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey employees for at least six consecutive months.