At Home Independent Living, Inc.
At Home Independent Living, Inc.
At Home is the perfect adjunct service for the elderly or disabled person who is having trouble coping with independent living because of chronic disability, Alzheimer?s disease or increasing frailty. Services include cooking, cleaning, transportation, medical reminders and a whole lot more.
4464 Milton Avenue, Camillus, NY, 13031 13020 13027 13029 13031 13037 13039 13041 13051 13057 13060 13063 13066 13078 13080 13082 13084 13088 13089 13090 13104 13108 13110 13112 13116 13119 13120 13137 13138 13152 13153 13159 13164 13201 13202 13203 13204 13205 13206 13207 13208 13209 13210 13211 13212 13214 13215 13217 13219 13220 13221 13224 13225 13235 13244 13250 13251 13252 13261 13290
- Alzheimer's Care
- Companion Care
- Housekeeping
- Dress & Grooming
- Laundry
- Mobility Assistance
- Medication Reminders
- Respite Care
- 24-Hour Care
- Eating Assistance
- Exercise Assistance
- Safety Supervision
- Transportation
- Hospital Discharge Assistance
- Prescription Pick-Up
- Doctor Visit Companionship
- Grocery/Errand Assistance
- Hospice Support
- Cash
- CreditCard
- Check
- Veteran's Assistance
- Workers' Compensation Insurance
- Long-Term Care Insurance
2019, 2018
Best of Home Care
Leader in Experience
(Formerly Leader in Excellence)
Awarded for superior client & caregiver satisfaction ratings.
2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Best of Home Care
Provider of Choice
Awarded for outstanding client satisfaction ratings.
2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016
Best of Home Care
Employer of Choice
Awarded for outstanding caregiver satisfaction ratings.
Agency Rating
I like the communication, the reliability, and the compassion that they have for the client. The caregivers have helped the most by maintaining the client's independence and keeping her safe at home.
5 / 5Marty P
They're easy to work with. They drive him to and from appointments.
4.5 / 5Deborah P
They're on top of their job and if we have concerns, or anything that we need to discuss, they get right back to us. They rectify an issue, or they give us suggestions as to how to take care of it. They prepare meals and clean the house, which is big. My parents have been very positive about the caregiver they have now - they like her very much.
4.5 / 5Anonymous
I like that they are compassionate and very reliable. They have helped Van be as independent as possible within her home.
5 / 5Nancy G
I would recommend them because I think they have a great reputation, have been around for a long time, and have provided us with two amazing caregivers who are compassionate, empathetic and perceptive. They have given me a lot of relief! My mom is a control freak, and so I made her get a caregiver.
4.5 / 5Anonymous
I think the agency should send more qualified caregivers. I would like to receive better qualified caregivers.
3 / 5Anonymous
I would recommend them because of their professionalism. She would not be able to live at home without their compassionate care.
5 / 5Bob S
The most recent problem I had was the confirmation of an appointment. They said I didn't cancel and I'm being charged for it. There are good people who come on time.
4.25 / 5Bob S
I like that they are very dependable people that I haven't found any problem. They are very friendly and knowledgeable. They provide good people on time.
4.25 / 5Kristen G
I like that they are all very kind. They give me peace of mind to know someone is there with her.
5 / 5Diane T
I like that At Home Independent Living is easy to work with. The agency has made our experience positive by keeping an eye on him and helping socialize him.
5 / 5Ann O
I like the fact that they are reliable and competent as well as nice. They help me by doing light housework, shopping, cooking, and personal care.
4.25 / 5Anonymous
I like that they are very reliable. It has helped her live her best life at home and be as independent as possible.
5 / 5Anonymous
I would like to see them improve at interviewing their caregivers. Some of them just aren't very good. They constantly have to be reminded of what they need to do to help me.
3.25 / 5Kristen G
They are very easy to work with and they have great advice. I would say they help the most with daily hygiene.
4.75 / 5Elaine S
I don't know anybody that needs the care. So I can't really recommend them, I also feel they are expensive. They really only do cleaning for me.
2 / 5
About This Award

Best of Home Care
Leader in Training
The Best of Home Care® – Leader in Training award recognizes home care agencies that provide specialized care for clients and career growth for care professionals through a commitment to continuous learning. This annual award is based on your training completion rates.
- ✓ Have 10+ learners complete at least 1 training course for the year.
- ✓ Average 8+ Activated Insights Course completions per care professional for the year.
- ✓ Utilize Activated Insights Training for at least 3 months.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Top 100 Leader in Experience
The Top 100 Leader in Experience award is the highest honor we bestow, recognizing the 100 agencies with the highest Overall Satisfaction (OSAT) scores in North America. This annual award is based on the results of your client and care professional experience surveys.
- ✓ Attain one of the 100 highest Overall Satisfaction (OSAT) scores in the industry for the year.
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 2 client and 2 employee satisfaction surveys per month during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Earn both Provider and Employer of Choice Awards for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey clients and employees for at least one calendar year.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Leader in Experience
(Formerly Leader in Excellence)
The highest recognition based on satisfaction scores a home care agency can earn, “Leader in Experience” means best-in-class ratings from clients and caregivers. Leaders in Experience award winners must also qualify for Provider of Choice and Employer of Choice awards.
To receive this certification, a home care agency must meet the following:
- ✓ OSAT Score 8.9+
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 2 client and 2 employee satisfaction surveys per month during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Earn both Provider and Employer of Choice Awards for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey clients and employees for at least one calendar year.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Provider of Choice
The Best of Home Care – Provider of Choice award signifies high client satisfaction. This award is based on satisfaction ratings gathered from verified clients. To qualify, an agency must outperform other home care agencies in their geographic region in addition to other criteria.
To receive this certification, a home care agency must meet the following:
- ✓ OSAT Score 8.75+
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 12 client satisfaction surveys during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Have less than 15% of clients “Do Not Call” for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey clients for at least six consecutive months.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Employer of Choice
Home care agencies that qualify for “Employer of Choice” have earned high marks from their caregivers. Great care starts with happy care professionals and to qualify, “Employers of Choice” must outperform other local competitors in caregiver satisfaction based on scores and feedback gathered from verified care professionals.
To receive this certification, a home care agency must meet the following:
- ✓ OSAT Score 8.75+
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 12 employee satisfaction surveys during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Have less than 15% of clients “Do Not Call” for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey employees for at least six consecutive months.