Home Helpers Home Care
Home Helpers Home Care
Home Helpers In-Home Care Services is more than an in-home health care agency: we’re your extended family when family can’t be there. We’re a locally owned, trusted provider of quality, compassionate in-home care, and we customize our home care solutions to your unique situation for an affordable solution that keeps your loved one at home.
106 W MAIN ST STE E, MIDDLETON, ID, 83644 83605 83607 83617 83619 83626 83628 83629 83636 83639 83644 83651 83655 83656 83660 83661 83669 83670 83672 83676 83686 83687
- Alzheimer's Care
- Companion Care
- Housekeeping
- Dress & Grooming
- Laundry
- Incontinence Care
- Bathing
- Mobility Assistance
- Medication Reminders
- Respite Care
- 24-Hour Care
- Eating Assistance
- Transfer to/from Bed
- Exercise Assistance
- Safety Supervision
- Transportation
- Hospital Discharge Assistance
- Prescription Pick-Up
- Doctor Visit Companionship
- Grocery/Errand Assistance
- Hospice Support
- Medicaid/Medicare
- Cash
- CreditCard
- Check
- State Non-Medicaid Program
- Veteran's Assistance
- Workers' Compensation Insurance
- Long-Term Care Insurance
Best of Home Care
Leader in Experience
(Formerly Leader in Excellence)
Awarded for superior client & caregiver satisfaction ratings.
2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
Best of Home Care
Provider of Choice
Awarded for outstanding client satisfaction ratings.
2022, 2020, 2019
Best of Home Care
Employer of Choice
Awarded for outstanding caregiver satisfaction ratings.
Agency Rating
Lori P
I like that they have good communication to us. They have sent us really good people. It's been really good to have someone there that he trusts.
5 / 5Connie A
I like the initial interview process with the owner. I like how they try to get someone suitable for your loved one.
5 / 5Marcella K
I like that everybody has been what they say. They are dependable and accurate. They have done a good job and I have to have the help.
5 / 5Cindy K
They have been good with communicating and the caregivers have been exceptional. We like that they take care of the caregiver side of things, so we can enjoy time with my mother.
4.5 / 5Sandra W
The caregivers don't show up often. They make sure she takes her medicine.
4.25 / 5Keith K
My main concern is an unresolved billing issue, an overcharge that hasn't been refunded. My father seems happy with the help, and we have never had a lack of coverage. The billing issue has been frustrating.
4 / 5Irene W
The caregivers are always punctual and do everything I need. The care being provided is wonderful.
4.25 / 5Margaret and Bob T
I like that they have been very flexible. We can make changes to add hours if we need them.
4.75 / 5Alan J
I wouldn't recommend them because I don't know anybody. She was prompt and accurate and good and nice.
2.75 / 5Jeri C
I like that they are dependable, on time, and seem to meet my needs. I don't have them daily, I only have one person one time a week now. My caregiver has helped me the most with getting me transported to places I need to go that I can't drive to and helping me with my grocery shopping.
5 / 5Alison S
They could do better by training their staff. They could have a greater impact on my daily life if they trained their staff properly.
2 / 5Anonymous
They could've improved with vetting their people a little more intently. People lied and misrepresented themselves. The impact was horrible. She was 6'1 and kept putting things where I couldn't reach, she drove my car all day, and worked without permission.
0.75 / 5Joe Z
I like that the caregivers have been well. The most helpful has been sending the good people. I like that we get everything that we need.
5 / 5
About This Award

Best of Home Care
Leader in Training
The Best of Home Care® – Leader in Training award recognizes home care agencies that provide specialized care for clients and career growth for care professionals through a commitment to continuous learning. This annual award is based on your training completion rates.
- ✓ Have 10+ learners complete at least 1 training course for the year.
- ✓ Average 8+ Activated Insights Course completions per care professional for the year.
- ✓ Utilize Activated Insights Training for at least 3 months.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Top 100 Leader in Experience
The Top 100 Leader in Experience award is the highest honor we bestow, recognizing the 100 agencies with the highest Overall Satisfaction (OSAT) scores in North America. This annual award is based on the results of your client and care professional experience surveys.
- ✓ Attain one of the 100 highest Overall Satisfaction (OSAT) scores in the industry for the year.
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 2 client and 2 employee satisfaction surveys per month during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Earn both Provider and Employer of Choice Awards for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey clients and employees for at least one calendar year.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Leader in Experience
(Formerly Leader in Excellence)
The highest recognition based on satisfaction scores a home care agency can earn, “Leader in Experience” means best-in-class ratings from clients and caregivers. Leaders in Experience award winners must also qualify for Provider of Choice and Employer of Choice awards.
To receive this certification, a home care agency must meet the following:
- ✓ OSAT Score 8.9+
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 2 client and 2 employee satisfaction surveys per month during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Earn both Provider and Employer of Choice Awards for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey clients and employees for at least one calendar year.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Provider of Choice
The Best of Home Care – Provider of Choice award signifies high client satisfaction. This award is based on satisfaction ratings gathered from verified clients. To qualify, an agency must outperform other home care agencies in their geographic region in addition to other criteria.
To receive this certification, a home care agency must meet the following:
- ✓ OSAT Score 8.75+
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 12 client satisfaction surveys during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Have less than 15% of clients “Do Not Call” for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey clients for at least six consecutive months.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Employer of Choice
Home care agencies that qualify for “Employer of Choice” have earned high marks from their caregivers. Great care starts with happy care professionals and to qualify, “Employers of Choice” must outperform other local competitors in caregiver satisfaction based on scores and feedback gathered from verified care professionals.
To receive this certification, a home care agency must meet the following:
- ✓ OSAT Score 8.75+
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 12 employee satisfaction surveys during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Have less than 15% of clients “Do Not Call” for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey employees for at least six consecutive months.