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Hartford HealthCare Independence at Home

Hartford HealthCare Independence at Home

Our caring staff strives to help people live independently at home by providing non-medical care for older adults needing assistance with the activities of daily living. This may include personal care, live in care, companionship, homemaking, and transportation. IAH employees are licensed, bonded, insured, and oriented for each client.

205 Kelsey Street, Suite 201, Newington, CT, 06111 06001 06002 06010 06011 06013 06023 06025 06026 06028 06029 06032 06033 06034 06035 06037 06040 06043 06045 06050 06051 06052 06053 06062 06064 06066 06067 06070 06073 06074 06082 06083 06085 06088 06092 06095 06096

Phone: 860.703.1760

Zip Code: 06111

City: Newington

State: CT

Call for a list of available services.

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2025, 2024, 2022, 2019, 2016, 2015

Best of Home Care

Provider of Choice

Awarded for outstanding client satisfaction ratings.

2025, 2024, 2023, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017

Best of Home Care

Employer of Choice

Awarded for outstanding caregiver satisfaction ratings.

Agency Rating