Concierge Care of Tampa
Concierge Care of Tampa
We believe you’re not just letting someone into your home, but carefully selecting someone to become a part of it. This is what separates us from the rest. We understand choosing your private in-home care is one of the most important decisions you will ever make for yourself or a loved one. We provide 5 star service from our caregivers.
6601 Memorial Highway, Suite 100, Tampa, FL, 33615 33510 33511 33527 33534 33540 33541 33542 33543 33544 33545 33547 33548 33549 33556 33558 33559 33563 33565 33566 33567 33569 33570 33572 33573 33578 33579 33584 33592 33594 33596 33598 33602 33603 33604 33605 33606 33607 33609 33610 33611 33612 33613 33614 33615 33616 33617 33618 33619 33621 33624 33625 33626 33629 33634 33635 33637 33647 33701 33702 33703 33704 33705 33706 33707 33708 33709 33710 33711 33712 33713 33714 33715 33716 33744 33755 33756 33759 33760 33761 33762 33763 33764 33765 33767 33770 33771 33772 33773 33774 33776 33777 33778 33781 33782 33785 33786 34203 34205 34207 34208 34209 34210 34212 34215 34216 34217 34219 34221 34222 34228 34638 34639 34652 34653 34654 34655 34667 34668 34669 34677 34683 34684 34685 34688 34689 34690 34691 34695 34698
- Alzheimer's Care
- Companion Care
- Housekeeping
- Dress & Grooming
- Laundry
- Incontinence Care
- Bathing
- Mobility Assistance
- Medication Reminders
- Respite Care
- 24-Hour Care
- Eating Assistance
- Transfer to/from Bed
- Exercise Assistance
- Safety Supervision
- Transportation
- Hospital Discharge Assistance
- Prescription Pick-Up
- Doctor Visit Companionship
- Grocery/Errand Assistance
- Hospice Support
- Cash
- CreditCard
- Check
- Long-Term Care Insurance
2024, 2023
Best of Home Care
Leader in Experience
(Formerly Leader in Excellence)
Awarded for superior client & caregiver satisfaction ratings.
2025, 2024, 2023, 2020
Best of Home Care
Provider of Choice
Awarded for outstanding client satisfaction ratings.
2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020
Best of Home Care
Employer of Choice
Awarded for outstanding caregiver satisfaction ratings.
Agency Rating
About This Award

Best of Home Care
Leader in Training
The Best of Home Care® – Leader in Training award recognizes home care agencies that provide specialized care for clients and career growth for care professionals through a commitment to continuous learning. This annual award is based on your training completion rates.
- ✓ Have 10+ learners complete at least 1 training course for the year.
- ✓ Average 8+ Activated Insights Course completions per care professional for the year.
- ✓ Utilize Activated Insights Training for at least 3 months.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Top 100 Leader in Experience
The Top 100 Leader in Experience award is the highest honor we bestow, recognizing the 100 agencies with the highest Overall Satisfaction (OSAT) scores in North America. This annual award is based on the results of your client and care professional experience surveys.
- ✓ Attain one of the 100 highest Overall Satisfaction (OSAT) scores in the industry for the year.
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 2 client and 2 employee satisfaction surveys per month during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Earn both Provider and Employer of Choice Awards for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey clients and employees for at least one calendar year.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Leader in Experience
(Formerly Leader in Excellence)
The highest recognition based on satisfaction scores a home care agency can earn, “Leader in Experience” means best-in-class ratings from clients and caregivers. Leaders in Experience award winners must also qualify for Provider of Choice and Employer of Choice awards.
To receive this certification, a home care agency must meet the following:
- ✓ OSAT Score 8.9+
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 2 client and 2 employee satisfaction surveys per month during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Earn both Provider and Employer of Choice Awards for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey clients and employees for at least one calendar year.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Provider of Choice
The Best of Home Care – Provider of Choice award signifies high client satisfaction. This award is based on satisfaction ratings gathered from verified clients. To qualify, an agency must outperform other home care agencies in their geographic region in addition to other criteria.
To receive this certification, a home care agency must meet the following:
- ✓ OSAT Score 8.75+
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 12 client satisfaction surveys during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Have less than 15% of clients “Do Not Call” for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey clients for at least six consecutive months.
About This Award
Best of Home Care
Employer of Choice
Home care agencies that qualify for “Employer of Choice” have earned high marks from their caregivers. Great care starts with happy care professionals and to qualify, “Employers of Choice” must outperform other local competitors in caregiver satisfaction based on scores and feedback gathered from verified care professionals.
To receive this certification, a home care agency must meet the following:
- ✓ OSAT Score 8.75+
- ✓ Complete a minimum of 12 employee satisfaction surveys during the previous 12 months.
- ✓ Have less than 15% of clients “Do Not Call” for the year.
- ✓ Actively survey employees for at least six consecutive months.